The CFU has been working with Financial Sector Deepening Zambia (FSDZ – also supported by DfID) to bring Financial Literacy Training to CFU’s Lead Farmers. The training started in our Central Region in December last year, and so far 408 Lead Farmers out of a projected 2,880 have been directly trained. The training has centered around an app developed by ZAZU that allows for financial messaging to be delivered to interested individuals through their phones, using sms or voice based systems. The app is currently available in Bemba and Nyanja and English, with more languages projected. The training will slowly roll out to farmers in our Western, Southern and Eastern Regions, with the Lead Farmers expected to sensitize other individuals in their communities to the benefits of the app, and to help them access it. It is hoped that more than 50,000 people will be reached in this manner. If you are interested in listening to the app yourself, dial 619. Alternately, sms 619 and type ‘learn’ for a written version. Let us know how you get on.